Sinéad Bethel

Sinéad Bethel


at XReg Consulting

Sinéad is a Regulatory Consultant at XReg Consulting where she is responsible for providing strategic regulatory advice and technical assistance to clients in the cryptoasset services sector. 

Prior to joining XReg, Sinéad worked for nearly ten years as a financial services regulator in the banking and insurance industries in The Bahamas. She significantly contributed to the ongoing development of the sector and had supervisory oversight of several systemically important domestic insurers, international banks and trust companies, and captive insurance entities conducting business in the jurisdiction. Her responsibilities included regulatory authorisation, captive and non-captive insurance company application reviews, financial statement analyses, regulatory examinations, and enterprise risk assessment and monitoring. 

 In 2018, Sinéad was seconded to the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) as part of a four-week programme facilitated by the Group of International Insurance Centre Supervisors (GIICS) for mid- to senior level regulatory supervisors. This programme afforded her the opportunity to be trained by several of the GFSC’s key Technical Units. Additionally, during her regulatory career Sinéad has had the opportunity to represent The Bahamas at several international conferences and regulatory training initiatives specialised in AML/CFT/CFP, climate change, FinTech, and regulatory Risk-Based Supervision. 

Sinéad successfully completed the Associate of Captive Insurance (ACI) designation, Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (CAMS) designation along with the advanced requirements to achieve the CAMS – Risk Management (CAMS-RM) designation.

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